Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Origins Super Spot Remover Review ♥

I have read so many amazing things about this spot treatment, so I decided it was about time I treated myself to it. I don't get very many spots, maybe one a month, if that. My skin is pretty good and I have never had problems with it, however, when I get a spot it ALWAYS leaves a red mark on my skin which is so annoying! So I had high hopes for this product. I can safely say I am happy with the results. I have had a couple of spots recently due to using some Tesco face wipes which I don't usually use (avoid them if you have sensitive skin :| ), so I was excited to try out this treatment on my blemishes. 
I have been dabbing a small amount of this product onto my spots 2/3 times a day. I love the tingly sensation this gel gives. It isn't an unpleasant feeling which is good, it slightly tightens my skin and it sinks in SO quickly. I can apply makeup on top of it after it has dried which is a big thumbs up from me as most spot treatments I have used leave patchy uneven marks on my skin after I have applied my foundation or BB cream. It sometimes stings for the first minute after application but I like that because I feel like it is actually getting into the spot and working it's magic. It dries out my spots in a few hours and it completely reduces the swelling and redness of them too. None of my spots have really came to anything after using this gel which is brilliant so I haven't had any scarring! woo! I would recommend this spot treatment over any others that I have tried in the past! £14 seems a bit pricey but if you consider the amount you need for one spot, which is a tiny amount, the bottle will last a long time.
When I ordered from Origins I got the option to choose some free samples too which is great because I haven't tried any other Origins products and I am so impressed with this product that I am thinking about purchasing more from this brand.
Have you used this miracle spot treatment? xo



  1. A beautiful blog ! :) I really like it <3
    follow to follow?
    Let me know :))

  2. This sounds amazing! I need something like this because when I get a spot, I get a lot all at once, so this sounds great!
    Eden from edenroses xx

    1. You should definitely buy it, I can't imagine not using it now, it's so good. Thank you for your comment xo

  3. i love this stuff so much, it surely is the best spot treatment i've ever used and works all the time when my skin is acting up.

    1. I totally agree :) thank you for your comment! xo

  4. Hi Natalie, just to let you know I have just wrote a Liebster award post which will be up on my blog on Monday
    and I have nominated you! Make sure to check my blog on Monday or follow me so that you don't forget!

    Mollie xo

  5. I have just bought this recently as I have quite bad adult acne and I've not reaped the benefits just yet, but after reading your review I'm determined to keep trying! Beautiful blog <3

    Rags of Love - Alternative UK Fashion Blog

    1. You definitely should keep trying! The spots I have had recently have been very sore and just like lumps under my skin. It really helped get rid of them and a few normal spots too. I apply it about 3 times a day just keep at it:) good luck! Thank you for your comment on my blog! I just had a look at yours, love your style! Now following :)! X


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