Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Birchbox May 2014 - First Beauty box Impressions ♥

This is my first ever beauty box.. (such a terrible blogger). I have never been too sure on beauty boxes, just in case I didn't like the products one month, however I have always been tempted to try one and see how I feel, so I had a browse online to see which box seemed the most appealing to me for the month of May. I was fairly impressed with this Birchbox, the price was reasonable and the products looked interesting. When I received this box I was very pleased, you are guaranteed 4/5 products every month and it only costs £12.95 altogether!
Benefit They're Real Mascara RRP £19.50
I didn't really enjoy this mascara the first time I tried it last year. My experience wasn't too bad this time, however, I still wouldn't pay full price for it because I can find better mascaras on the high street for a fraction of the cost. I have a full review on this mascara here if you would like to read more about my experience.
Aromatherapy Associates RRP £39
I loooove the smell of this oil. I apply it to my arms, stomach and legs before I get into the shower. I thought it would just wash off my skin instantly but even after using my Radox shower gel, I could still smell the beautiful blend of 'pink grapefruit, rosemary and juniper berry' on my skin. When my skin has dried after my shower it feels refreshed, soft and smells wonderful!
Beauty Protector Shampoo & Conditioner £14 each
I also love the smell of these shampoo and conditioner's, however the shampoo didn't lather up as well as I had hoped, I ended up having to use my normal shampoo on top to get it nice and soapy. The conditioner went on okay, it smells gorgeous too, however, I don't think I would pay full price for both of these products.
Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish from £13.50
I always use the full size versions of this cleanse and polish so to have a travel size (and another muslin cloth) is great, I have a full review on this product here if you want to read a bit more about it (brilliant product!)
Soignè Nail Lacquer £11 (Full Size)
This is a full size product which comes in a nice little box with moulded foam around the bottle inside. I love the colour, it is so pretty, I didn't actually have a deep red colour in my nail polish collection?! It lasts a good few days without chipping and it has a gorgeous high shine finish!

What beauty boxes are you subscribed to? xo


  1. What beautiful packaging and your photo aesthetics are spot on!
    I love the They're Real mascara (someone got it me for Christmas) but like you, I can find better stuff for cheaper! :)

  2. I thought the shampoo and conditioner would be great, its a shame they didnt work out:(

    Eilidh from Velvet-Winter

  3. The packaging is absolutely adorable! I just fell in love with your blog xx
    Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin

  4. Such a good box! I love LE Cleanse and Polish, definitely lives up to the hype. I'm really lucky as my boyfriends sister works for LE and gets me my products for 75% off :p
    I'm not that in love with They're Real either. I used to work for Benefit and found it used to dry out sooo quickly. It's a good mascara but like you said, there's better out there. xx


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