Tuesday, 5 August 2014

What I Got For My Birthday & About My Day ♥

Yesterday, 4th August, was my 19th birthday.. wowee, I cant believe this is my last teen year, it feels so strange! I didn't do much yesterday, I opened my presents in the morning, my main present from my mum and dad were the beautiful floral Doc Martens in the picture above, my mum knows me SO well! I love them and I am so so happy I finally have a pair after craving them for years! The other presents that weren't from my mum and dad were from my family & friends, I'm so grateful for everything I got!
After eating plenty cake, my mum and I went to town where I quickly met up with my best friend Rosie who handmade me a card (so cute!). Before I went home I went into Tesco and bought some cider and beer (games night here I come). I had a lovely chilled afternoon which is exactly what I wanted. After dinner we played Trivial Persuit.. well should I say, attempted to play Trivial Persuit, the game my mum and dad have is years and years old so it was pretty difficult to answer questions about people you have never heard of before in your life! So in the end we stopped playing around the board and my mum just read us out questions that she thought we might know, it was such a funny night. 
p.s how awesome is my cake! YUM and thank you to everyone who commented on my Instagram pictures and on my blog post yesterday wishing me happy birthday!


  1. that is such a good blog post, hope you had a great birthday!! will definitely be giving you a follow:)

  2. Happy belated birthday lovely! <3 xx

  3. Love the post =] That cake looks amazing

  4. that cake is so pretty! and i love those doc's + that daisy backpack!!! happy belated birthday!! xo

  5. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely time! I want that cake, it's amazing!!!!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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