Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Perfect Pair ♥


Hello, I hope you are having a good week! I mentioned this gorgeous Revlon nail polish in a monthly favourites a while ago (view it here) and I am still in love with it. It has the perfect mix of purple and black sparkly flakes, suitable for any occasion in my opinion. I need about 3/4 coats to get a full opaque colour but it dries fairly quick so this isn't a problem. It lasts ages on its own but paired with this Orly top coat it lasts even longer, with an added super high shine finish. When I combine these two polishes on my nails I feel as if I have a thick layer of uv gel polish on and I know I can forget about painting my nails for at least a week before I get my first chip, perfect for those busy weeks where there just isn't any time to paint my nails *sigh*. I hope you liked this post, I am really impressed with Orly's nail polishes, they never seem to disappoint, definitely worth spending that little bit extra! xo


  1. beautiful! :)

    Loren |

  2. We love this combo! we had them both in our stash but never tried them together! Thanks! x


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